March Crafts Report Trends and Tips

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Home Furnishings 4/15
Glass 5/15
Wood 6/15

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Choosing a Credit Card Terminal
I'm graduating to the big leagues and purchasing my first credit card terminal. Since I wouldn't have phone lines or cell phone service at some of my shows, my plan is to continue using my old-fashioned knuckle-buster at the show and then running the cards on the terminal when I get to the hotel each evening.

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RSVP Spring Craft Show

Spring Fine Art and Crafts at Westfield Armory

Har Zion Craft Spectacular-A Craft Showcase

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6 Ways to Influence Customers and Grow Sales
by Carolyn Edlund

Do you know why your customers are buying from you? Is it your products-the style and quality of your handmade work? Look deeper and you will find that there are many other factors in making a sale that you can use in building your sales volume.

It's no secret that emotions are powerful factors that move people into action and cause them to make a purchase.

Just Ask by Donald Clark

Q: Is there any advantage to selling wholesale over retail and vice-versa?

A: There are clear advantages as well as disadvantages to both. I think this decision is really about lifestyle choices and your income target. Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of each. Selling your work only at retail shows means more travel and many more shows. Work sold at retail immediately returns the entire retail sale price to the maker. While it is possible to develop repeat customers, the retail customer at shows most often will only buy from you once. Retail selling returns immediate rewards, there is little follow-up office work and shipping is usually not a requirement.

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