May Crafts Report Trends and Tips

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Wood 6/15
Ceramics 7/15
Metal Clay 8/15

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Website for Rating Galleries
There is a new site where people can post ratings and reviews of art galleries and museums. But there's no reason artists can't use this site to post their stories and perspectives as well. It might be a good way to "promote" galleries you like or work with, and to warn others about places where you've had bad experiences.

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Adirondack Arts and Crafts Fair

ACRE Las Vegas

NICHE: The Show

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Ask These 18 Questions to Decide Between Wholesale and Retail
by Loretta Radeschi

Multiple selling options make a business successful and offer unique opportunities to craft artists. Retailing, wholesaling or selling in both manners provides artists with the option of working at a volume level with which they're comfortable and with the income and lifestyle they want.

Many artists sell both wholesale and retail successfully, and it's not unusual for wholesale buyers to attend retail shows. Selling both wholesale and retail can have added costs and challenges such as the need to produce two catalogs and create two pricing structures.

To determine whether wholesaling, retailing or both are viable marketing options for you and your products, ask yourself these questions...

Just Ask by Donald Clark

Q: I've created my own website, but I don't sell off of it. How often should I update it: every week, every month or quarterly? I'm not sure what buyers expect, or what the industry is dictating right now. I usually change it when the changes needed are worth the time it will take from my schedule.

A: To be a successful marketing tool, a website needs the same attention as any brick-and-mortar business. You don't say why you have a site if you don't sell from it. However, if you mean customers have to call you to make a purchase, you are truly selling from your site. I also don't know if you are a production artist or one-of-a-kind maker. These are factors that would influence the frequency of updates.

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