Sugarloaf Club Newsletter - Bright ideas during the summer "off season"

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Dear Sugarloaf Community,
You might remember that I sometimes refer to summer as Sugarloaf's "off season."
After all, our next crafts festival isn't until the first weekend in October. But
rest assured, summer is hardly a vacation for our hardworking staff. We work year-round
to make sure that our upcoming shows have the quality artists and fun festival experience
that you expect from us. We've been cooking up some great ideas for the Fall that
I can't wait for you to see! During the summer, especially, I'm constantly reminded
that Sugarloaf shows are all about you: the talented artists and friendly craft
lovers who have made Sugarloaf a part of their lives. As we plan ahead, we're always
on the lookout for what you want and what you would appreciate.

Let me give you some examples...

Among the many things we do is check out new entertainment. We receive dozens of
emails and phone calls from performers and artist demonstrators eager to share
their talents with you at our shows. We are very selective in whom we invite to
perform. We want to make sure that the show atmosphere is fun and festive, but always
focused on the fabulous creations of our artists. In past years, we've had vocalists
and musicians, the speed painters of Splash! Animals, and always our fantastic artist
demos. I look forward to sharing Sugarloaf's unique entertainment with you this

Naturally, our summer research also includes finding the new artists you will enjoy
meeting. We attend many different craft shows so we can reach out to new artists!
We are always looking for the best, most creative and innovative craftspeople to
add to the Sugarloaf community. We visit the shows where our current Sugarloaf
artists are exhibiting so we can support their success and get a sneak peek at the
new work they'll feature at an upcoming Sugarloaf show! It's fantastic to see them
hard at work, bringing new ideas, materials, and skills to our shows.

Even today, I was traveling to make sure that our Fall shows are new and fresh.
I am attending the National Association of Consumer Shows annual conference in Providence,
Rhode Island. This is the country's leading organization for show managers and producers.
I will be meeting with 200 other show leaders from every part of the country. We'll
share ideas about what makes a great show and learn about upcoming trends that we
will use to make our shows bigger and better for you.

One trend that will no doubt be the buzz of the convention is "social media." And
I can't wait to tell my peers about our efforts - and about you! I am proud that
Sugarloaf is leading other shows. This week, we topped 10,000 "people who like"
on Facebook. That's you! It's awesome that more than 10,000 craft lovers, love
Sugarloaf. Thank you! (If you don't follow us on Facebook, visit
to see what all the buzz is about.)

To see everything we've got in store for you at our upcoming shows, visit

Deann Verdier
President & Founder
Sugarloaf Mountain Works, Inc. []
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Sugarloaf Mountain Works, Inc. | 19807 Executive Park Circle | Germantown | MD | 20874