Sugarloaf Club Newsletter - Blow Out the Candles on Your Lasagna

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Dear Sugarloaf Community,
Mike Peters. Charles Schulz. Gary Larson. Jim Davis. Do those names ring any bells?
Maybe their artistic creations might sound more familiar: Mother Goose and Grimm,
Peanuts, The Far Side, and Garfield. Their humor, irreverence, and wit give us something
to look forward to every week - or every day. And this Saturday, one of our most
beloved cartoon jokesters is celebrating a birthday...

America's favorite lasagna-loving fat cat, Garfield, is turning 32! After discovering
this, I immediately thought of one of our Sugarloaf artists, John DeAmicis. John
had the rare opportunity to work with Garfield cartoonist Jim Davis (and all of
the cartoonists I mentioned above) - and has been exhibiting at Sugarloaf for more
than 20 years!

John joined the art world after working in landscape architecture. For 10 years,
he designed parks and recreational facilities. But in 1980, a commission from Pepsi
took his career in an exciting new direction. The soda company commissioned John
to create a Dr. Seuss-like drawing of a Pepsi bottling plant. Several hundred prints
of John's creation were sent to the company's bottlers throughout the country.

From there, his work was commissioned by IBM and ABC. He also worked with America's
most beloved cartoonists (Peters, Schulz, Larson, Davis, and the Dr. Seuss estate),
mimicking their unique styles to put classic cartoon characters on T-shirts, mugs,
and other memorabilia. His hard work and immense talent was recognized when he became
a member of the National Cartoonists Society.

Fans love John's work because of his attention to detail, and because he won't produce
a piece that he himself wouldn't purchase. In addition to hundreds of original pieces
and prints that can be seen at Sugarloaf shows, John also does commission pieces
and has published three books, including the recently-released Trees, Bees, and
Boney Knees. And even though he left landscape architecture long ago, fans will
notice that trees are still a central theme in his work.

John has examples of his art on his website, [].
You can catch him in person at six of our Fall shows!

For information about our upcoming season, and to preview the artists you'll meet,
visit us at []

As always, work from all of our wonderful Sugarloaf
artists can be seen on our Facebook page, [].
Be sure to "like" us while you're

Deann Verdier
President & Founder
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Sugarloaf Mountain Works, Inc. | 19807 Executive Park Circle | Germantown | MD | 20874